Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome

What is it?

Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome is a common overuse injury that is associated with lateral (outside of) knee pain. The ITB refers to the band of tissue that extends from the hip and runs downs the outside of your thigh bone (Femur), inserting onto the lateral aspect of the knee. The condition is most seen in active runners and cyclers, with the most common presenting symptoms being ITB tightness, lateral hip discomfort and lateral knee pain that consistently develops at the same time/distance during the session. It is believed that the cause of pain is due to the constant friction between the ITB and femur during activity.

Why did I get it?

The most common predisposing factors are:

  • Tightness of ITB/lateral muscles

  • Vastus medialis weakness

  • Poor lower limb biomechanics

  • Overuse

  • Incorrect training surface

  • Poor footwear


The main symptom is lateral knee pain

Others include:

  • Pain is worsened during physical activity

  • Popping sound in the knee

  • Swelling below the knee

How is it diagnosed?

A thorough clinical assessment will generally be sufficient for the diagnosis of ITBFS. Depending on severity of symptoms, you may be referred for an Ultrasound or MRI to determine the extent of pathology/to rule out other conditions.

Possible Treatments:

  • Rest, ice, Anti-inflammatories

  • Neuromuscular needling

  • Foam roller

  • Corticosteroid injections

  • Strengthening/stretching program

  • Custom Orthotics

  • Surgical release of ITB


Providing absolute compliance, most individuals respond well to the conservative treatments listed above. The focus is on releasing the lateral structures and strengthening the medial structures in order to reduce friction levels. Surgery is rarely necessary however it is an option for severe or recurrent cases. Recovery time for surgery is approximately 6-8 weeks (full return to sport).


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